I love to go a-wandering off the beaten track,
and as I go, I love to sing, my knapsack on my back.
Val-di-ree, Val-di-rah,
Val-di-ree, Val-di-rah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha
Val-di-ree, Val-di-rah,
My knapsack on my back.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Big Creek Loop: First Hike of 2022

I didn't hike at all during 2021 because I was building my art studio. This was my first hike of 2022.

This hike was a test run to see if I’m in shape. I did the 4.2 mile hike with 850 feet of elevation gain in two hours without stopping. It felt good!

The trail follows an old logging road that goes up steeply for the first couple miles (going counterclockwise). The weather was cloudy with just enough light showers to keep me cool. I went steadily uphill, slowing down for the steep sections, until I got to the first creek.

After that the trail was up and down until I got to Big Creek, at which point it went downhill, flattened out, then another downhill section before flattening out along the creek. The trail was in great shape with a wide tread. Lots of people on the trail, even on a Thursday afternoon.


I was concerned about the condition of my feet, especially my left big toe. My feet felt great on the uphill portion of the trail, but coming down I had some pain in the front part of my left foot. But actually it wasn’t too bad, and I feel like I’m in pretty good shape.

A good starter hike for this year’s hiking season.